Friday, 6 May 2016

Another rejection and some exciting news

Well, I finally got a rejection email from an agent that I submitted to back at the start of February. It was a perfectly polite form letter It had some stock words of encouragement and I am sure that the agent has sent many thousands just like it. If there had been some specifics about what they didn't like then that would have been a gift but I have no right to that and no expectation of it. They sent a reply and I can move on. Maybe the next agent will like it more. As I said, I quite like rejections and compared to silence, they are wonderful.

As I said in a previous post that literally no-one has read (there are hit counters on these posts), I paid to have someone look over my submission pack. I had hoped that maybe someone with a few years in the industry would give it a look over and give me some feedback. As a worst case, I thought that the office junior would be tasked with it and, for what I paid, that would not have been unreasonable.

However, they have hooked me up with a respected SF author that I have read in the past. That far exceeded my expectation and I am very much looking forward to working with him. All in all, things are looking pretty good.